The Cercle du Coin, a French-speaking association on Bitcoin, decentralised currencies and blockchains, resumes its virtual round tables during this second confinement (which threatens to drag on). It invites you to follow the ninth one, which will take place on Monday 30 November from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

The format is semi-participatory, the speakers (members of the Circle or „guests“) will discuss a topic and the spectators (members of the Circle or not) will be able to interact via the Youtube chat. The moderators will then have the opportunity to bring up interesting questions.

Selected theme: CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency), MNBC (Central Bank Digital Currency): „liard or piggyback“?

  • What should we think of the latest ECB report?
  • Should we see a „return“ of central bank money? The programmed disappearance of private banks condemned for other reasons?
  • Is the e-euro (or the crypto-euro) a competitor of Libra? of the JPM Coin? of Bitcoin?
  • Will it be compatible with them, inter-operable?
  • Is something different from e-krona being proposed?
  • Is it the Swedish cashless society fantasy?
  • Is this the start of a plan B on the part of the public authorities? Is it a useful instrument in the event of recourse to helicopter money?

Participants :

Guests of the Circle :
– Mr. Pierre Person, MP, rapporteur of the report on digital currencies,
– Mrs Joëlle Toledano, author of the „Blockchain“ report by France Stratégie,
– Mr. Christian Pfister, MNBC project manager at the Banque de France.

Members of the Circle :
– Claire Balva (Blockchain Partner),
– Jérôme de Tychey (Ledger),
– Jean-Samuel Lécrivain (Catenae).

Moderators :
– Adli Takkal-Bataille, President of the Cercle du Coin,
– Jacques Favier, Secretary of the Cercle du Coin.

Von admin